7 Ways to Survive Sending Your Child Off to College

If you hang around church long enough, you’ll hear people say children are a blessing from the Lord.
The Lord agrees. “Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth” (Psalm 127:3-4 NIV).
While I don’t disagree, the term blessing doesn’t quite cover the emotional wreckage that comes with being a parent. Raising children might be the most difficult, heart-wrenching, joyful, and rewarding journey I’ll ever take.
When my kids were small and needy, I fantasized about sleeping past sunrise and taking long showers. As they got a little older, I wished for quiet, unmessy meals. Fast forward another few years and my daydreams veered more toward visions of not constantly tripping over scattered clutter and shoes. READ THE REST AT CROSSWALK.COM.
One Comment
LuAnne Frolick
Kyle is a miracle due to you, God bless you and here’s to a great future. Good Health and Blessings.