To Comma, or Not To Comma (Part 2)
Welcome to comma central, where we’re talking about all things comma. Among most writers, you’ll find a consensus when it comes to this tiny, ambiguous mark. They don’t like it. It’s too confusing. When do you use it? Where do you use it? Why do you use it? And who even cares, really?
Trust me, as a writer, you do!
So let’s get back to answering the question, to comma, or not to comma? If you missed Part 1, check it out here. To Comma, or Not to Comma. In this section, we’ll cover es, sential and nonessential information in a sentence and how that plays into when and where you add in commas or leave them out.
Check out the Comma Series at Writers in the Storm. To continue reading Part 2, click here. To Comma, or Not To Comma (Part 2)
If you missed Part 1, you can find it here. To Comma, or not to Comma (Part 1).