The Two Sides of Pride

Ever feel like you fall short of the mark? Miss your best moments? Never make the cut. Always come in last?

Feel free to substitute any other heart-hollowing cliché for the few above. They all mean the same thing—You’re not good enough. And maybe you never will be.

I grew up in a time when parents were told to shower children with a stream of self-esteem, pep-talk pat-on-the-backs.

Be all you can be. You can do anything you put your mind to. Hard work equals success. If you do the right thing, everything will work out.

But what happens when all you can be isn’t enough or your mind reaches farther than reality or your hard work only leaves you running in place while your right choices lead to chaos and dead ends? READ THE REST AT KATHYIDE.COM (I’m hanging out there today)

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