• Honesty Central: Getting Real

    With the exception of a few posts, I haven’t blogged for close to a year. Not since my son, Kyle, relapsed with leukemia. I wrote a few posts on that topic that I won’t repeat. But here are the links if you or someone you love is struggling with cancer. When Life Stops, Wishes, Wants, and Secrets Fantasies, You Want Me to be Thankful for What? I’m a writer. It doesn’t matter how many times I’ve been published or in what venue, that need to create lives in my soul. It’s part of who I am. It is who I am. You’d think the first thing I’d turn to in…

  • Baby Love

    “A baby?” I gaped at the nurse in blue scrubs and slid into the chair, almost missing the edge of the seat. My stomach flip-flopped into my throat. I swallowed hard, fighting against the physical push to vomit.  The last week of bowing over the ceramic toilet seat hadn’t been the flu after all.   Pregnant? Pregnant? Pregnant? The word spun on repeat, distorting the more times I said it in my head. I stared at the sign on the wall imploring me to Choose Life. Of course I would choose life—and relinquish mine in the process. Not a choice I would have made had someone asked. A baby confused…

  • Be a Dork for Jesus

    I have a secret. Sometimes I skip church. I shoo my kids into the van with super husband and watch out the window as they drive away. Here is what I am not going to do while they are gone—carve out time to work on my novel, crawl back into my fleece sheets for another two hours of much-needed sleep, or click on the TV to watch my favorite show. Let me paint a picture of my Sunday morning. After the Honda’s backside veers left on Quail Creek, I open all the curtains in the kitchen and family room, get the coffee going, light my twisted peppermint candle, and slip into…