10 Things Every Wife Should Be Doing for Her Husband

“Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him” (Genesis 2:18 NIV).

Navigating a successful marriage can be challenging. Whether you’ve been together thirty days or thirty years, you’ve probably figured this out. As wives, we had expectations that began way before our man got down on one knee. We had hopes of what our lives as a forever couple would look like. Maybe your dreams became reality. Maybe they didn’t. But I’m guessing, if you’re anything like me, you found what came after you walked down the aisle to be somewhere in between.

Here’s something I’ve learned over the last twenty-six years since I said, “I do.” There are ups and downs in marriage just like there are in life…READ THE REST ON CROSSWALK.COM.

**This is the first of two articles on marriage. Coming up–10 Things Every Husband Should Be Doing for His Wife.

One Comment

  • Pastor Greg Du Bois

    I read that and it’s great. Very good for a healthy marriage. But I think there needs to be a number 11. “Don’t let him get away with abusing you.” There is a need for women to recognize and respond wisely to the man who is not healthy, turns out to be narcissistic and unloving. An evil heart can hide for a while behind a facade of good behavior. If things continue to go down hill with such a man, I fear a lot of women reading your article would tend to blame themselves for not doing the first then things well enough.

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